Can You See?

Psalm 146:8 “The LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous.”

“The risks are minimal,” I was told. But that didn’t really matter. The prospect of seeing without the aid of glasses or contacts was worth whatever risks there were.

“Can you guarantee that I’ll see 20/20?”

“No, there are no guarantees. But I’ve done thousands of surgeries, and nearly all were successful.”

Again, it didn’t matter. I was ready. I wanted to see, and if I trusted this physician to point a laser into my eyes, in a few minutes, I would be able to see better than I had ever seen before. My eyes were misshapen, causing them to focus incorrectly and blurring my vision. The laser was designed to correct the shape of my eye, and improve my vision.

After the surgery, my eyes needed to heal. Everything was hazy, and it felt like there was sand in my eyes; but that was ok, because my vision was already improving. But by the next morning, the change was remarkable. I could see the alarm clock for the first time in my memory. It was still a little hazy, and a little uncomfortable (if not unsettling), but I could see.

Our hearts want to see, too. They are misshapen, and distort reality and cause us to focus incorrectly. But there is a Great Physician that wants to point the laser of His Word into our hearts and cause us to see better than we ever have before.

The improvement will take some time, but sometimes the improvements are noticeable immediately. And as we heal, our vision gets better and better. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, if not a little unsettling, but in time, the benefits will far outweigh the risks. There’s just nothing like seeing clearly.

Let God help you to see. . . it’s worth the risk.

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